dictating machine
dictating machine, device for recording, storage, and subsequent reproduction (usually by typewriter or word-processing system) of spoken messages. Dictating machines have been either mechanical or magnetic and may record the voice on wire, coated tape, or plastic disks or belts, which could be removed from the machine after dictation and forwarded to the point of transcription. The transcribing machine reproduces the dictated message in voice form. The earliest dictating machines of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were mechanical and, as in Thomas Edison’s original invention, phonographically recorded the sound waves of the human voice on a wax cylinder; a similar device played the record back for transcription. Later adaptations used plastic disks and belts. Upon the development of magnetic wire and then tape recording, loops of wire and magnetic disks and belts were used to record. Microelectronic and solid-state developments made possible significant reductions in size of both the dictating and playback equipment and the disks or cassettes used. In the early 21st century, digital voice recorders for dictation and later transcription could store weeks of audio. The playback device used by the transcribing typist usually is operated by foot controls.