Martin Dies, Jr.
Martin Dies, Jr. (born November 5, 1901, Colorado, Texas, U.S.—died November 14, 1972, Lufkin, Texas) was an American politician, the sponsor and first chairman (1938–45) of the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
A graduate of the University of Texas (1919) and the law school of National University in Washington, D.C. (1920), Dies opened a law practice in Texas but quickly turned his attention to politics. In 1931 he won a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, where, following the election of Franklin Roosevelt, he supported the New Deal. By 1937, however, he had turned against Roosevelt and the liberal wing of the Democratic Party.
In 1938, after several unsuccessful attempts, Dies convinced the House to establish the Committee to Investigate Un-American Activities (later renamed the Committee on Un-American Activities, but always more popularly called the Dies Committee). As chairman, Dies rigorously pursued alleged subversives in New Deal agencies, labour unions, and other organizations. Although the committee was supposed to investigate fascist subversion as well, it quickly turned exclusively to supposed communist infiltration of American life.
As a result of the committee’s well-publicized investigations, Dies gained a national reputation. Conservative groups applauded his zeal in exposing left-wing subversives, while liberals denounced his tactics of smearing reputations with unproven allegations. In his 1940 book, The Trojan Horse of America, Dies claimed to have surpassed the FBI in uncovering communist subversives in America.
Dies resigned his congressional seat in 1945 to resume his Texas law practice. But he returned to the House in 1953 and served until 1959, though he held no important positions during those years. After retiring once again from public life, he spent his final years in Texas practicing law.