diksha, in ancient India, the rite performed prior to the Vedic sacrifice in order to consecrate its patron, or sacrificer; in later and modern Hinduism, the initiation of a layperson by the guru (spiritual guide) of a religious group.
In the soma sacrifices of the Vedic period, the patron of the sacrifice, after bathing, kept a daylong (in some cases up to a yearlong) silent vigil inside a special hut in front of a fire. The patron was dressed in garments of black antelope skin, which he also sat on, and at nightfall drank only cooked milk. The resulting tapas (an internal heat, both literal and figurative, generated by all Indian ascetic practices) was considered to be a sign—and a means—of passing from the realm of the profane to that of the sacred. The diksha ritual also carried with it the significance of a “rebirth,” and the scriptures describing the ceremony made use of explicit symbolism, such as the “womb” of the hut.
At the end of the soma ritual, the sacrificer went through a reverse ceremony, the avabhritha (“concluding bath”). After the bath, the sacred garments, ritual utensils, and pressed shoots of the soma plant were all cast into the water.
In modern Hinduism, rites of consecration and initiation show many regional and sectarian variations. They are generally preceded by preparatory fasting, bathing, and dressing in new clothes, and in the act of initiation they include placing special marks on the body or forehead, taking a new name, receiving from the preceptor (the initiate’s teacher) a selected mantra (prayer formula), and worship.