Dirichlet problem
Dirichlet problem, in mathematics, the problem of formulating and solving certain partial differential equations that arise in studies of the flow of heat, electricity, and fluids. Initially, the problem was to determine the equilibrium temperature distribution on a disk from measurements taken along the boundary. The temperature at points inside the disk must satisfy a partial differential equation called Laplace’s equation corresponding to the physical condition that the total heat energy contained in the disk shall be a minimum. A slight variation of this problem occurs when there are points inside the disk at which heat is added (sources) or removed (sinks) as long as the temperature still remains constant at each point (stationary flow), in which case Poisson’s equation is satisfied. The Dirichlet problem can also be solved for any simply connected region—i.e., one containing no holes—if the temperature varies continuously along the boundary. The problem is named for the 19th-century German mathematician Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet, who suggested the first general method of solving this class of problems.