Donoughmore Commission
Donoughmore Commission, committee sent by the British government to Ceylon in 1927 to examine the Ceylonese constitution and to make recommendations for its revision. The commission’s recommendations, reluctantly accepted by Ceylonese political leaders, served as the basis for the new constitution of 1931.
Two of the most important reforms that were suggested concerned elections and electorates. The previous communal electorates, which had been intended to safeguard the rights of minority groups in Ceylon, were abolished. In their place territorial constituencies were substituted, on the grounds that the continued existence of communal electorates would encourage a spirit of divisiveness among the Ceylonese people. The minority groups were unhappy with this change. One of these groups, the Tamils, boycotted the first elections under the new constitution.
The new constitution also extended the franchise to all adults, with only a residence qualification (in order to exclude the many Indian migrant labourers in Ceylon). The middle-class Ceylonese political leaders were opposed to this provision, but the British felt that it would encourage these very leaders to pay more attention to the needs of the people. The third group of recommendations concerned the nature of the representative institutions to be established. An assembly, or state council (composed of territorially elected members), with both legislative and executive powers was established. This assembly was to have significant financial and revenue powers; but a number of important executive functions, such as management of the public service, defense, foreign affairs, and the administration of justice, were to be performed by three British officials nominated by the governor of Ceylon. Further, the governor was given wide veto powers over decisions of the assembly, although he was expected to use them with discretion. The new constitution, which endured until 1946, proved unsatisfactory to the Ceylonese and was, for its duration, the object of constant criticism.