moringa, (Moringa oleifera), small deciduous tree (family Moringaceae) native to tropical Asia but also naturalized in Africa and tropical America. Flowers, pods, leaves, and even twigs are cooked and eaten. The leaves, which can also be eaten raw when young, are especially nutritious and are high in iron, potassium, and vitamin C. A horseradish-flavoured condiment is prepared from the crushed roots. Ben oil, extracted from the seeds, is used by watchmakers and in cosmetics; perfume makers value it for its retention of scents.
Moringa trees can reach a height of about 9 metres (30 feet) and have corky gray bark. The leaves are bi- or tripinnately compound and have oval-shaped leaflets with conspicuous swellings (pulvini) where the parts join. The plants bear scented clusters of white pealike flowers with five stamens (male parts) held to one side. The angled daggerlike fruits sometimes grow to 45 cm (18 inches) long and are explosively dehiscent.