Jean-Marie-Constant Duhamel
Jean-Marie-Constant Duhamel (born February 5, 1797, Saint-Malo, France—died April 29, 1872, Paris) was a French mathematician and physicist who proposed a theory dealing with the transmission of heat in crystal structures, based on the work of the French mathematicians Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier and Siméon-Denis Poisson.
Duhamel attended the École Polytechnique in Paris from 1814 to 1816 before moving to Rennes to study jurisprudence. He later returned to Paris where he taught at the Institut Massin and the Collège Louis-le-Grand. In 1830 he began teaching analysis at the École Polytechnique, where, highly regarded as a teacher, he remained until his retirement in 1869. While at the École he engaged in acoustical studies involving vibrating strings and the vibration of air in cylindrical and conical pipes, as well as the physics of harmonic overtones. Related to this work with partial differential equations was his discovery of a solution to the problem of distribution of heat in a solid with a variable boundary temperature, now known as Duhamel’s principle. Duhamel also taught at the École Normale Supérieure and at the Sorbonne (both schools are now part of the Universities of Paris), and he was a member of the French Academy of Sciences.