dunlin, (Calidris alpina), one of the most common and sociable birds of the sandpiper group. The dunlin is a member of the family Scolopacidae (order Charadriiformes). It is about 20 cm (8 inches) long and has a bill curved downward at the tip. In breeding season, its plumage is brightly coloured, with its belly black and its back reddish (or dun-coloured, hence the name). In the winter the plumage is dull gray above and white below.
A short-distance migrant, it is a circumpolar breeder in the Arctic and sub-Arctic, favouring wet tundra around the North Pole and also in the British Isles and the Baltic region. The dunlin winters in great numbers on seacoasts, particularly at locations such as tidal flats, sand beaches, and rocky shores. It eats mainly insects on the tundra and worms, snails, and crustaceans on the wintering grounds, where it probes the mud with its bill in a rapid “stitching” motion.
In his display flight, the male circles over his breeding territory, fluttering and singing. Shallow scrape nests lined with leaves and grass are concealed in hummocks. A few days after the three to four downy young hatch, the female departs, leaving them to the care of the male. Both sexes are accomplished fliers; large flocks impressively twist and bank in unison.