Altare glass
Altare glass, type of Italian glassware produced in the town of Altare, near Genoa. The Altare glass industry was established in the 11th century by glassmakers from Normandy and developed independently of the much better known glassworks of Venice. During the 15th century the great demand for Venetian glass and, consequently, its profitability led the Venetians to confine glassmakers under pain of death to the island of Murano in an effort to protect their secret techniques. Altare, however, manufactured glassware that was virtually identical to Venetian glass and often sold as such.
The rapid spread of Venetian styles and glassmaking techniques can be largely attributed to the craftsmen of Altare. Unlike their Venetian counterparts, the Altare glassmakers were encouraged to work elsewhere. They, together with a few hundred Venetians who escaped from Murano, helped establish glassworks in many European countries. Their work led to the development of an international style known as façon de Venise (q.v.) during the 16th and 17th centuries. See also Venetian glass.