alternative vote
alternative vote (AV), method of election in which voters rank candidates in order of preference. If any single candidate receives a majority of first-preference votes, that candidate is deemed elected. If no candidate clears this hurdle, the last-place candidate is eliminated and that candidate’s second preferences are reapportioned to others and so on until a candidate clears the threshold of 50 percent of the vote plus one.
Unlike the single-transferable-vote method used in places such as Ireland and Malta, where each constituency elects multiple members, districts using the alternative method elect only a single candidate. Voters may rank any number of candidates they like, from selecting only one candidate to rank ordering all candidates. AV is used in parliamentary elections in Australia and Papua New Guinea and for presidential elections in Ireland. A variant, the supplementary vote, in which candidates may rank order only their top two choices, is used in mayoral elections in London and other British cities. Another variant, the contingent vote system used in elections for president in Sri Lanka, allows voters to rank their top three candidates; if no candidate wins a majority, only the top two candidates go to a second round of counting, with the preference votes of eliminated candidates being reapportioned.
Several political parties, including the Liberal and Conservative parties of Canada and the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats in the United Kingdom use alternative vote for the election of their party leaders. Following the indecisive 2010 general election in the United Kingdom, the Liberal Democrats agreed to form a coalition government with the Conservative Party on the condition, among other things, that a referendum be held on changing the British electoral system from first-past-the-post (FPTP) in favour of AV; on May 5, 2011, however, more than two-thirds of British voters rejected AV.
Advocates of AV claim that it enhances parliamentary representation by ensuring that all representatives have the support of at least a majority of their constituents (in some elections in Britain, for example, some two-thirds of MPs were elected with only a plurality of the votes) and requires candidates to appeal to a wide cross section of voters rather than to just a narrow segment of the electorate. They also argue that it encourages political moderation, as extremist political parties will rarely be a second or third choice among most voters, and that it will discourage tactical voting (i.e., not voting for your preferred candidate if he has little chance of winning) in favour of voters expressing their sincere intention.
Critics of AV, who tend to favour FPTP, maintain that AV is overly complicated and eliminates the simplicity and transparency of a system in which the candidate with the most votes wins. In contrast to the claim of AV’s supporters that AV encourages moderation, they also argue that the second and third preferences of supporters of extremist parties could decide the final results.