Justus van Effen
Justus van Effen (born Feb. 21, 1684, Utrecht, Neth.—died Sept. 18, 1735, ’s-Hertogenbosch) was a Dutch essayist and journalist whose straightforward didactic pieces, modelled on foreign examples, had a wholesome influence on the contemporary Dutch fashion of rococo writing. His other occupations included private tutor, secretary at the Netherlands embassy in London (1715 and 1727), and clerk in the Dutch government’s warehouses (1732). An admirer of the English press and of The Spectator in particular, he launched first Le Spectateur Français (1725) and then in his native language De hollandsche spectator (1731), a weekly that he edited for the rest of his life. The descriptive realism and homely prose of his essays on common life and customs influenced the emerging novelists of the Dutch domestic scene.