Ilya Grigoryevich Ehrenburg
Ilya Grigoryevich Ehrenburg (born Jan. 15 [Jan. 27, New Style], 1891, Kiev, Ukraine, Russian Empire—died Aug. 31, 1967, Moscow) was a prolific writer and journalist, one of the most effective Soviet spokesmen to the Western world.
Born into a middle-class Jewish family that later moved to Moscow, Ehrenburg became involved as a youth in revolutionary activity and was arrested in his early teens. He emigrated to Paris, where he began publishing poetry in 1910. During World War I he was a war correspondent at the front, returning to Russia in 1917. He experienced the civil war in Ukraine and, between 1917 and 1921, wavered between supporting and rejecting the Bolsheviks. He returned to Europe, living in France, Belgium, and Germany, and published his first novel—generally considered his best work—the philosophical-satirical Neobychaynyye khozhdeniya Khulio Khurenito i yego uchenikov (1922; The Extraordinary Adventures of Julio Jurenito and His Disciples). By 1924, however, his attitude had changed again, and he was granted permission to return to the Soviet Union. He participated in writers’ meetings and other literary activities in Moscow, and soon afterward was sent back to Europe, this time as foreign editor of several Soviet newspapers. Most of the period from 1936 to 1940 Ehrenburg spent in Spain and France as war correspondent for the newspaper Izvestiya. In 1941 he returned to the Soviet Union, where his Padeniye Parizha (The Fall of Paris)—a bitter attack on the West—was published that year, winning the 1942 Stalin Prize.
Besides his activities as a journalist and novelist, Ehrenburg wrote poetry, short stories, essays, travelogues, and memoirs. After his acceptance of the Soviet regime, he adapted his writing to Soviet literary demands and was successful in avoiding the political purges that destroyed the careers of many other writers and artists. In 1946–47 he won a second Stalin Prize with Burya (The Storm), and in 1951–52 another major novel was published, Devyaty val (The Ninth Wave). Shortly after Joseph Stalin’s death Ehrenburg produced the novel Ottepel (1954; The Thaw), which provoked intense controversy in the Soviet press, and the title of which has become descriptive of that period in Soviet literature. It dealt with Soviet life in a more realistic way than had the officially approved literature of the preceding period. In succeeding years he devoted himself to promoting new and different tendencies in writing. In his autobiography, Lyudi, gody, zhizn (“People, Years, Life”), Ehrenburg ranged over many topics (e.g., Western art) and people (e.g., writers lost in the purges of the 1930s) normally not considered proper material for Soviet authors. This attitude brought official censure upon him in 1963 when the “thaw” began to reverse. But Ehrenburg survived and remained prominent in Soviet literary circles until his death.