artificial leaf
artificial leaf, silicon-based device that uses solar energy to split hydrogen and oxygen in water, thereby producing hydrogen energy in a clean way, leaving virtually no pollutants. The technology, which was designed to simulate the natural energy-generating process of photosynthesis used by plants, was first successfully developed by American chemist Daniel G. Nocera and colleagues in 2011. Further work was needed to improve its efficiency and cost-effectiveness for practical use.
The basic component of an artificial leaf is a silicon chip that is coated in chemical catalysts, which speed up the water-splitting reaction. In an open vessel of water, when solar energy hits the chip, a chemical reaction similar to photosynthesis occurs—the hydrogen and oxygen molecules of water are split apart, resulting in the separation of protons and electrons. The protons and electrons are captured on the chip and are recombined to form hydrogen gas, which can be used for immediate generation of electricity or stored for later use.
The primary application of the artificial leaf is the clean production of hydrogen, which is considered an alternative form of energy. Other means of capturing hydrogen fuel include steam reforming, in which high-temperature steam is reacted with methane in the presence of a metal catalyst, and hydraulic fracturing (or “fracking”), in which fluids containing chemicals are injected into the ground at high pressure in order to release natural gases (including hydrogen) from underground rock formations. Neither of those approaches is considered to be a “clean” form of hydrogen production, since both involve the release of potentially harmful chemicals into the environment.
The artificial leaf also makes hydrogen a renewable energy source, since sunlight and water are abundant on Earth. Hence, with the artificial leaf, individuals can locally produce their own energy and can live apart from an electricity grid. This offers a significant advantage in that hydrogen energy could be produced almost continuously anywhere and at any time. Based on Nocera’s initial design, with artificial leaf technology, an estimated one to three bottles of water could produce enough energy to power a single household in less-developed regions of the world.
Significant challenges remain, however, for artificial leaf technology. For example, more work is needed to improve efficiency; in initial studies, the artificial leaf captured only 4.7 percent of the total possible hydrogen fuel available in solar energy. Devices developed since then have achieved higher efficiencies (e.g., about 10 percent). Artificial leaf technology also remains potentially expensive, however, and concerns about the safety of hydrogen fuel storage limit practical implementation of the technology.