Elsterian Glacial Stage
Elsterian Glacial Stage, major division of Pleistocene deposits and time in northern Europe (the Pleistocene Epoch began about 2,600,000 years ago and ended about 11,700 years ago). The Elsterian followed the Cromerian Interglacial Stage and preceded the Holstein Interglacial Stage, both, in contrast to the Elsterian, periods of relatively moderate climatic conditions. The Elsterian is equated with the Mindel Glacial Stage of classical European usage in the Alpine region, and the Kansan Glacial Stage of North America. The Elsterian was named for the Elster River of Germany.
In eastern Germany the deposits of the Elsterian are poorly exposed; they are covered by deposits of later ice advances. In Poland the Elsterian deposits are known as the Krakow, and eastward in Russia they are termed the Oka Glacial Stage; all the names refer essentially to the same geological unit. It has been inferred that the Elsterian sediments record at least two expansions of the glacial ice, termed Elster I and Elster II. During the Elsterian Stage, Poland was essentially treeless tundra, as is indicated by the study of fossil pollen.