council of governments
council of governments (COG), in the United States, type of regional planning body that exists throughout the country. A COG is an association that consists of elected public officials who come from the major local governments within an urban or metropolitan area. COGs were developed during the 1970s and ’80s as an appropriate tenet of public governance concerning local and regional issues. Their purpose is to establish a consensus about the needs of an area and the actions needed to solve local and interlocal problems.
COGs are voluntary associations that represent governments, but they are not governments themselves. They are voluntary because local units cannot be forced to join these associations and can resign at any time. The council membership is drawn from the county, city, and other government bodies within its area. Councils of governments lack general government authority in that they are not directly elected, they do not have direct taxation powers, and they do not have police powers or regulatory authority.
COGs were created in order to develop consensus regarding metropolitan or regional needs and actions to be taken in solving area problems. COGs benefit the state by planning, coordinating, and overseeing the administration of state and federal programs, assisting local governments in handling tasks set by state regulations, providing a flexible network for effective regional action, and fostering cooperation that helps avoid duplication of efforts and thus helps take advantage of economies of scale. A typical council is defined to serve an area of several counties and addresses issues such as regional planning, water use, pollution control, and transportation. Nevertheless, the nature and extent of the programs vary, depending on local needs and the priorities of the board that governs the operation of the individual council.
In 1960 there were only a half-dozen voluntary regional councils of elected officials. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, emphasis was increasingly placed on the need for long-range planning and closer coordination of program activities by governments at all levels. Federal requirements for planning in areas such as transportation, the environment, and human services furthered this need. The establishment of COGs emerged as the preferred approach to this need in many areas. Therefore, the number of COGs soared to more than 660 by 1980 as a result of federal requirements and massive increases in federal aid to state and local governments between 1957 and 1977. Most regional planning commissions were converted to COGs during this period. With the advent of the Ronald Reagan administration and, over time, the reduction in federal aid to local governments, the number of COGs decreased significantly.
To conclude, these councils consist of elected officials drawn from local governments in metropolitan areas—or, in some cases, for more rural areas, they constitute a public attempt of local or regional governance—in the United States, developed in order to efficiently resolve local problems and to satisfy the regional needs increase in the 1970s. They are multicounty planning-and-development agencies serving different areas of their states. However, these regional bodies have provided a small measure of regional political leadership and policy-making authority.