George Washington Corner
George Washington Corner (born December 12, 1889, Baltimore, Maryland, United States—died September 28, 1981, Huntsville, Alabama) was an American anatomist and embryologist, best known for his contributions to reproductive science and to the development of oral contraceptives.
Corner received an M.D. degree from Johns Hopkins University in 1913 and taught there and at the University of California until 1923. He then served as professor of anatomy at the University of Rochester School of Medicine (1923–40), as director of the department of embryology at the Carnegie Institution in Washington (1940–55), as historian of the Rockefeller Institute (1956–60), and as executive officer of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia (1960–77).
Corner specialized in analyzing the function of hormones in the female reproductive system and, with the American gynecologist Willard M. Allen, identified the hormone progesterone, an ingredient used in oral contraceptives. Their findings led to the development of birth control pills, many of which contain a mixture of a synthetic progestational agent and a small amount of estrogen.