denial, in military affairs, a defensive strategy used to make it prohibitively difficult for an opponent to achieve a military objective.
A denial strategy can be best defined by distinguishing it from a deterrence strategy. In the latter a protagonist’s threatened reprisal, by changing the opponent’s mind about pursuing a certain course of action, precludes an opponent from taking undesirable action. A denial strategy likewise precludes an opponent from taking undesirable action, but it does not seek to do so by changing an opponent’s mind. Rather, the protagonist simply puts the opponent’s objective out of reach, regardless of whether the opponent chooses to pursue it.
A physical wall exemplifies a denial measure: it hinders an opponent’s attacks without modifying the opponent’s inclination to attack. In another type of denial strategy, a protagonist acts to limit an opponent’s capacity to project power by destroying key assets belonging to the opponent. Those might include military production facilities or rear combat support elements vulnerable to air strikes.