collinearity, in statistics, correlation between predictor variables (or independent variables), such that they express a linear relationship in a regression model. When predictor variables in the same regression model are correlated, they cannot independently predict the value of the dependent variable. In other words, they explain some of the same variance in the dependent variable, which in turn reduces their statistical significance.
Collinearity becomes a concern in regression analysis when there is a high correlation or an association between two potential predictor variables, when there is a dramatic increase in the p value (i.e., reduction in the significance level) of one predictor variable when another predictor is included in the regression model, or when a high variance inflation factor is determined. The variance inflation factor provides a measure of the degree of collinearity, such that a variance inflation factor of 1 or 2 shows essentially no collinearity and a measure of 20 or higher shows extreme collinearity.
Multicollinearity describes a situation in which more than two predictor variables are associated so that, when all are included in the model, a decrease in statistical significance is observed. Similar to the diagnosis for collinearity, multicollinearity can be assessed using variance inflation factors with the same guide that values greater than 10 suggest a high degree of multicollinearity. Unlike the diagnosis for collinearity, however, it may not be possible to predict multicollinearity before observing its effects on the multiple regression model, because any two of the predictor variables may have only a low degree of correlation or association.