Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies
Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES), U.S. nonprofit organization founded in 1989 to advocate for ethical and environmentally sustainable business practices. CERES was founded with the belief that businesses should take a proactive stance on environmental issues, because their influence over human decisions and behaviours often surpasses that of governments, schools, or religious organizations. Its formation brought together major American environmental groups and a wide array of socially responsible investors and public pension funds. The businesses, consumer groups, environmentalists, and other stakeholders that make up the alliance developed a set of goals and principles for environmental performance. The coalition emerged after the March 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in the Gulf of Alaska, which, although not the largest spill in history, was one of the worst in terms of long-term environmental damage and disruption to the local economy. It also attracted some of the most adverse media coverage ever of such an accident. The disaster, however, brought about positive changes in corporate accountability, shipboard responsibility, environmental cleanup procedures, and environmental awareness and reporting. Among the responses to the event was the development of CERES and its core principles.
CERES states its 10 principles as follows: “(1) protection of the biosphere, (2) sustainable use of natural resources, (3) reduction and disposal of wastes, (4) energy conservation, (5) risk reduction, (6) safe products and services, (7) environmental restoration, (8) informing the public, (9) management commitment, and (10) audits and reports.” All organizations that choose to become members of CERES must adhere to those 10 principles. By adopting the principles, member organizations acknowledge that they have a responsibility to the environment and that they must not jeopardize future generations to sustain themselves in the short run.
By the early 21st century, more than 130 organizations belonged to the CERES coalition, including labour unions, environmental groups, public-interest organizations, and investors. The CERES network of investors is critical, as those firms explicitly consider environmental criteria in their investment decisions. In addition, CERES partners with more than 70 corporations that have a significant commitment to the principles.
In addition to promoting greater corporate responsibility toward the environment, CERES has taken a leadership role in standardizing environmental reporting by organizations. To control and provide accountability for environmental performance, companies need effective measurement and communication tools. That need brought about initiatives to establish benchmarks for environmental performance and to provide an easier way to report information about environmental performance.
In 1997 CERES launched the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which provides guidelines for participating companies and organizations to use in reporting on their sustainability practices and the social, environmental, and economic impact of their activities. The GRI was designed to stimulate change for the organizations by allowing them to track their progress and performance alongside those of their competitors and peers who also adhere to the standards. Although both regulatory and nonregulatory factors drive such reporting, there is no universally accepted method for reporting and comparison. An increasing number of companies report voluntarily on their environmental performance, but they may employ different formats, which renders comparison among reports somewhat difficult. More than 700 companies use the GRI guidelines, making it a de facto international standard for corporate reporting on economic, social, and environmental performance.