Robert Williams
Robert Williams (born February 26, 1925, Monroe, North Carolina, U.S.—died October 15, 1996, Baldwin, Michigan) was an American civil rights leader known for taking a militant stance against racism decades before the Black Power and black nationalist movements of the late 1960s and early ’70s adopted similar philosophies. As early as the late 1940s, when the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) began investigating him, Williams was advocating armed self-reliance for migrant labourers and victims of civil rights abuses—views that were uncommon at the time among civil rights activists.
Williams was the son of a railroad worker. After working at various factory jobs and serving in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1954 to 1955, Williams returned to his North Carolina birthplace, Monroe, in 1957 to head the local branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Biographers say that the first thing Williams saw when he got off the bus in his hometown was the police chief of Monroe (Jesse Helms, Sr., the father of the future U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms, Jr.) beating a black woman. Williams later called that a defining moment in his life.
Williams first gained international media attention in early 1958 when Monroe refused to integrate a public swimming pool built with federal tax funds. When African Americans, led by Williams, refused to accept a promise of building a separate pool for blacks at an unspecified future date, the town filled in the pool with concrete rather than allow it to be integrated.
In October 1958 Williams advocated on behalf of two African American boys, aged seven and nine, who were charged with rape and jailed after the nine-year-old reportedly allowed a six-year-old white girl to kiss him on the cheek. The boys were sentenced to reform school, where they were to stay until age 21. With Williams’s intervention, they were released after four months. In the spring of 1959, Williams was again the subject of national attention when the NAACP suspended him from the presidency of the Monroe chapter because the local chapter had formed a rifle club to protect the nearby black community of Newton from armed attacks by whites.
Williams’s final battle in Monroe came in August 1961. Freedom Riders, who had traveled from the North to demonstrate against segregation and encourage blacks to register to vote, were assaulted by whites while in Monroe. The Freedom Riders were given sanctuary in the black section of town, and Williams’s armed supporters established a line of defense on the border between the white and black sections.
When a white couple drove their car into the black neighbourhood, Williams is said to have ordered his followers not to attack them and to have ushered the couple into his home to protect them. The city responded to that action by filing bogus kidnapping charges against Williams, prompting him to flee the country in 1961. He lived in exile in Cuba for five years, during which time he wrote Negroes with Guns (1962); that title was later used for a documentary (2005) on Williams and the Black Power movement. He left Cuba for China, where he lived for three more years before returning to the United States in 1969. Williams lived in Michigan and fought extradition to North Carolina until the kidnapping charges were dropped in 1974. During his exile and after his return to the U.S., he continued to fight racism. He and his wife, Mabel, published the militant journal Crusader and broadcast a radio program called Radio Free Dixie.