The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord
The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA), white supremacist militia group based in Arkansas, U.S., that was active in the late 1970s and the ’80s. The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA) was connected to a number of crimes and terrorist plots in the 1980s. It dissolved after U.S. federal agents besieged the group’s compound for four days in 1985.
The CSA was started by James Ellison in Arkansas as a small survivalist Christian group called Zarephath-Horeb; it was founded in 1970, according to a report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the 1980s . Heeding Ellison’s apocalyptic preaching, the group raised its own food and hoarded weapons on its 224-acre (91-hectare) compound in northern Arkansas. Racism was not a major component of the group’s outlook until 1979, when Ellison adopted Christian Identity, a white supremacist theology. The group intensified paramilitary training at the compound and changed its name to reflect its new militant outlook. Members of other white supremacist groups, such as Aryan Nations and The Order, began to visit the CSA compound for training.
CSA members sold weapons, distributed hate literature, and engaged in other criminal activity. They began to plot terrorist acts after Gordon Kahl, a North Dakota white supremacist who had killed two U.S. marshals in a shoot-out in February 1983, died in a federal raid several months later, thereby making him a martyr for the extreme right. CSA members planned to assassinate government officials who had prosecuted Kahl before his death, including a judge, an FBI agent, and a U.S. attorney. The assassinations were never carried out, but members of the group went on a crime spree in late 1983 that included setting fires in an Arkansas church with a largely homosexual congregation and in a Jewish centre and attempting to bomb a natural-gas pipeline. These attacks revealed CSA members to be largely ineffectual guerrilla fighters; only minor damage was inflicted at each site. The day after the attempted pipeline attack, a CSA member, Richard Wayne Snell, killed the owner of a pawnshop who he believed to be Jewish. In 1984 Snell killed a black Arkansas state trooper and was captured by authorities.
On April 19, 1985, more than 300 federal agents and other police surrounded the CSA compound, believing that David Tate, a member of The Order, was heading there after having gunned down a Missouri state trooper. The resulting standoff, the first time federal authorities confronted a well-equipped militia group, lasted four days. It was resolved through negotiations and without violence, and Ellison was among those who surrendered. (Tate was eventually located and arrested in Missouri.) Ellison and his second-in-command, Kerry Noble, were sentenced in 1985 to prison on racketeering and illegal weapons charges.