Baker v. Owen
Baker v. Owen, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on October 20, 1975, summarily (without written briefs or oral argument) affirmed a ruling of a U.S. district court that had sustained the right of school officials to administer corporal punishment to students over the objection of their parents. The case was the first in which the Supreme Court addressed the issue of corporal punishment in public schools.
The case arose in 1973 when a sixth-grade student at Gibsonville School in North Carolina, Russell Baker, was corporally punished for violating a classroom rule. His mother, Virginia Baker, had earlier instructed school officials not to corporally punish her son, stating that he was a frail child and that she opposed corporal punishment on principle. She then sued the school’s principal, W.C. Owen, and other officials, alleging that her son’s punishment had violated her Fourteenth Amendment liberty right, which is articulated in the amendment’s due process clause: “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Earlier Supreme Court decisions had recognized the liberty right as encompassing the right to “bring up children” (Meyer v. Nebraska [1923]), the right of parents to “direct the upbringing and education of children under their control” (Pierce v. Society of Sisters [1925]), and the right of parents to the “custody, care, and nurture” of their children (Prince v. Massachusetts [1944]). Baker argued on that basis that her liberty right also embraced a right to determine the means of disciplining her child. She further argued that, because the latter right is “fundamental,” the school’s practice of corporal punishment was unconstitutional unless it served a compelling state interest that could not be advanced by other means. She also contended on behalf of her son that the circumstances of his punishment constituted a violation of his Fourteenth Amendment right to due process and of his Eighth Amendment protection against cruel and unusual punishment.
The district court agreed with Baker that she had a Fourteenth Amendment liberty right to decide among methods of discipline for her son, but it refused to recognize that right as fundamental or absolute. Accordingly, the court held that school officials were not obliged to show that their practice of corporal punishment served a compelling state interest but only that it served a legitimate one. The court then found that corporal punishment did serve the state’s legitimate interest in maintaining order and discipline in the public schools. In response to Baker’s contention that order and discipline could be maintained without corporal punishment, the court noted that “opinion on the merits of the rod is far from unanimous.” In view of such controversy, the court argued, “we cannot allow the wishes of a parent to restrict school officials’ discretion in deciding the methods [of punishment] to be used.”
The court also held that Baker’s son had a liberty interest in avoiding corporal punishment, that this interest was protected by the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of due process, and that Baker’s son had been denied due process prior to his punishment. Although students in such circumstances were not entitled to “the full panoply of procedural due process rights, i.e., such things as formal notice, right to counsel, right of confrontation and cross-examination,” the court observed, they did deserve “those minimal procedures necessary to protect the student’s interest without undercutting the disciplinary value of the punishment.”
The court then outlined a set of requirements that such procedures had to meet. First, students had to be informed beforehand that corporal punishment was a possibility for specific types of misbehaviour. Second, corporal punishment could never be used as a first line of punishment but only after other disciplinary measures had been tried. Third, the punishment had to be witnessed by at least one school official who had been informed, in the student’s presence, of the reason for the punishment. Finally, the official who administered the punishment had to provide to the student’s parents upon request a written explanation of his reasons and the name of the witnessing official. Regarding the question of whether the corporal punishment of Baker’s son constituted cruel and unusual punishment, the court found that “two licks to his buttocks with a wooden drawer divider a little longer and thicker than a foot-ruler” did not rise to that level. (Baker did not contend that corporal punishment per se was cruel and unusual.)
The Supreme Court’s eventual affirmation of the district court’s ruling indicated its endorsement of procedural due process for students facing corporal punishment. Two years later, however, the Supreme Court held in Ingraham v. Wright that students’ liberty interest in avoiding corporal punishment did not require any special administrative safeguards of the kind proposed in Baker and that the Eighth Amendment did not apply to corporal punishment in public schools.