community psychology
community psychology, the study of human behaviour in its multiple ecological, historical, cultural, and sociopolitical contexts. Community psychology is a shift away from the broader field of psychology’s internal, cognitive, and nuclear family emphases toward the incorporation of greater attention to the role of social systems and structures in human functioning.
Community psychology began to emerge in the United States during the 1950s, and its development was influenced by the sociopolitical climate of the 1960s and 1970s. Civil rights, peace activism, feminism, the antipoverty movement, and environmental awareness provided the context for defining the field. Fundamental to its development was the idea that psychology should not only focus on treating people once problems have emerged but also play a significant role in addressing social conditions (e.g., poverty, racism) that increase the risk of disease and distress
Community psychology has an identifiable set of principles that both define and guide the field. These principles include (1) personal wellness and access to resources; (2) social justice and freedom from oppression; (3) a sense of community and connectedness; (4) multiple dimensions of diversity (e.g., gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability); and (5) community collaboration, participation, self-determination, and empowerment. In its concern with the interdependence and interaction of individuals and groups, community psychology attempts to foster the creation of person–environment transactions that prevent dysfunction, facilitate empowerment and social justice, and promote wellness. Community psychology insists on multiple levels of analysis: individual (e.g., attitudes, cognitions, emotions), microsystem (e.g., family, classroom, team), organizational (e.g., a school, a church, an agency), community (e.g., geographic, identity, common experience communities), and macrosystem (e.g., ideologies, cultures, societal institutions).
Research in community psychology is grounded in a collaborative model in which the researcher works in partnership with the community to address its needs. Community psychology research should lead to action or have clear implications for action. Intervention approaches based on community psychology include primary prevention programs, empowerment interventions, mutual support (self-help) groups, and social action strategies (e.g., community organizing and advocacy). The overarching goal of community psychology interventions is to address the root causes of disease and distress through strategies that target antecedent and facilitating factors.
Community psychology and multicultural psychology overlap in many areas. The emphasis on understanding people in their cultural, historical, and sociopolitical contexts provides a framework for examining acculturation, racial identity, and many other variables that are central to the psychological well-being of multicultural populations. Explicit attention to social asymmetries and resource disparities is closely connected to the study of racism and ethnocentrism in multicultural psychology.