American Legion
American Legion, organization of U.S. war veterans. It was founded in Paris on March 15–17, 1919, by delegates from combat and service units of the American Expeditionary Force. A national charter was granted to it by the U.S. Congress on September 16, 1919; the charter was later amended to admit veterans of World War II (1942), the Korean War (1950), the Vietnam War (1966), the Lebanon, Grenada, and Panama hostilities (1990), and Operation Desert Shield/Storm (1991). Nonpolitical and nonsectarian, the American Legion’s membership requirement is honourable service and an honourable discharge. Its annual conventions are among the largest volunteer group meetings in the United States. The national headquarters are in Indianapolis, Indiana.
One of the Legion’s major concerns has always been care of disabled and sick veterans; it was instrumental in establishing hospitals and other services for World War I veterans, services that have been expanded to meet the needs of veterans of later wars. It champions compensation and pensions for the disabled and for widows and orphans. The Legion successfully sponsored the creation of the U.S. Veterans Administration in 1930. In 1944 it played an important role in the enactment of the GI Bill of Rights for World War II veterans, and later in supporting similar legislation for Korean War veterans. These measures afforded college or vocational training to more than 10,500,000 veterans and enabled more than 5,600,000 veterans to purchase homes under the loan provisions of the act.
The Legion’s Americanism and youth programs include projects in which young people are given practical instruction in the functions of democratic government. It also sponsors thousands of Boy Scout troops and junior baseball teams. At the turn of the 21st century the total membership of the Legion was about 3,000,000 enrolled in 15,000 local posts, or groups.