Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT), American education research and policy centre, established (1905) in New York, New York, as the Carnegie Foundation with a $10 million gift by the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. In 1906, under the leadership of its first president, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Henry S. Pritchett (who served from 1906 to 1930), the foundation broadened its original mission—to provide pensions for retiring college teachers—to encompass areas of education reform and renamed itself the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT).
The most powerful influence exerted by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (CFAT) was in fostering standardization, often as an indirect result of its other efforts. The CFAT pension program, meant to provide financial stability to academic retirees, had far-reaching consequences for recipient campuses and for the field of education as a whole: because only nonsectarian private institutions were eligible to participate, CFAT exerted pressure on aspiring institutions to comply with its funding criteria.
Another lasting outcome of the CFAT pension program was the introduction of the Carnegie unit, a means of measuring education credit that, in an era of wide variation in the curriculum and graduation requirements in secondary schools across the United States, set a standard expectation for the number of hours of high-school classroom instruction in a given subject per week. Because colleges and universities seeking to participate in the pension program needed to require at least 14 units of secondary education for admission, the Carnegie unit exerted an influence both downward on high schools and across the entire landscape of higher education.
CFAT also sponsored a number of studies and surveys that helped to fuel reform initiatives. The foundation’s first study, Abraham Flexner’s Medical Education in the United States and Canada (1910), forged a new consensus about what constituted quality medical education, leading to the closing of poorly funded and understaffed institutions. But its impacts were not all positive; the pressures brought by Flexner’s report forced the closing of a number of African American medical colleges and thereby narrowed professional opportunities in medicine for African Americans. In 1913 CFAT received funding from the Carnegie Corporation to formalize its growing research activities by establishing a Division of Educational Enquiry. Examinations of the fields of law, engineering, and teacher education also appeared in the 1910s and 1920s.
Over the next two decades, CFAT, led by Henry Suzzallo (1930–33) and Walter Jessup (1933–44), emerged as a leader in the development of standardized testing for all levels of students. As early as 1937, CFAT was involved in efforts with Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Columbia to develop a test administered to applicants for their graduate and professional schools; that test was known as the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Those efforts eventually led to the founding of a new consolidated testing agency, Educational Testing Service, which CFAT—together with the American Council on Education and the College Entrance Examination Board—established in 1947.
At about that time CFAT found itself in a precarious fiscal situation, nearly paralyzed by the heavy financial burden of the pension program. Although the organization was saved by a loan from the Carnegie Corporation, CFAT’s direction after World War II remained to be decided. During Oliver Carmichael’s presidency (1945–53), CFAT turned its attention to projects related to higher education in the American South, an area of his own expertise (he had been chancellor of Vanderbilt University) and a field that was generally neglected at the time, but the combination of poor fiscal health and low trustee morale made CFAT’s future uncertain.
It was only in the mid-1950s that CFAT began to carve a new niche for itself. During John W. Gardner’s concurrent tenures as president of both CFAT and the Carnegie Corporation in the mid-1950s, CFAT began to enjoy greater financial security and moved toward a more cohesive vision of reform. Gardner used his annual reports to stimulate debate on certain timely educational topics and, in his book Excellence: Can We Be Equal and Excellent Too? (1961), argued forcefully for greater understanding that the goals of quality and equality were not incompatible and in fact needed to be pursued in tandem.
Upon Gardner’s departure to head the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare under U.S. Pres. Lyndon Johnson, Alan Pifer, building upon Gardner’s emphasis (and similarly serving as president of both the Carnegie Corporation and CFAT), directed CFAT’s attention to matters of social justice and equality of educational opportunity. Pifer’s vision led to two ambitious research initiatives that brought unprecedented attention and resources to the study of colleges and universities in the United States: the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education (1967–73) and the Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education (1973–79). Bankrolled by nearly $12 million from the Carnegie Corporation and headed by the economist Clark Kerr, the combined efforts of the Carnegie Commission and the Carnegie Council over 12 years produced policy statements and commissioned reports, in all totaling nearly 200 volumes examining issues such as campus unrest, social justice, accessibility, the structure and finances of higher education, the role of federal funding, and the preparation of students for postgraduation employment. In addition, in 1970 the Carnegie Commission produced a classification system of higher-education institutions to facilitate cross-institutional and cross-national comparisons. The system was widely adopted. (A revised version was released in 2005 to better reflect the diversity of institutions in terms of their student demographics, curricula, and settings.)
The Carnegie Commission’s early activities and publications focused heavily on the structure and organization of educational institutions, leaving issues of teaching and learning relatively unprobed. By the late 1970s CFAT was compelled to address widespread concern about the quality of teaching. Ernest Boyer, who served as CFAT president from 1979 to 1995, helped refocus the foundation’s energies toward teaching through, most notably, High School: A Report on Secondary Education in America (1983), College: The Undergraduate Experience in America (1987), and Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate (1990). The latter explored the tensions between research and teaching obligations experienced by university faculty members and proposed a broader conception of scholarship.
Having achieved greater financial and organizational independence from the Carnegie Corporation during Boyer’s presidency, CFAT relocated to Princeton, New Jersey, in the early 1980s and to Stanford, California, in 1997.