Carnivore, controversial software surveillance system that was developed by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which used the system to search the e-mail and other Internet activity of identified criminal suspects during investigations circa 2000–02. The system—which some claim became controversial mainly for its name rather than for its capabilities—came under fire from opponents ranging from the liberal-leaning American Civil Liberties Union to staunchly conservative U.S. senators, all of whom were worried that the technology could be used to spy on the public.
Carnivore consisted of a personal computer equipped with an array of special surveillance software. It was installed at the network sites of various Internet service providers (ISPs), where it would temporarily store and then scan certain types of, or possibly all, data—e-mails that were sent and received, Web pages that were visited, files that were transferred, etc.—that passed through those ISPs. It would then discard anything that did not meet the specific parameters of what the FBI happened to be searching for at the time. The potential for Carnivore to temporarily store and scan all data traffic, not just that of criminal suspects, created a massive tangle of unresolved legal and privacy issues.
The FBI gave Carnivore its name because of its ability to get to “the meat” of what would otherwise be a gigantic amount of data passing through ISPs. An earlier, slower version had an even hungrier name: Omnivore. But with controversy swirling around the investigative tool, in 2001 the government opted to change the name from Carnivore to something more generic: DCS1000.
Critics charged that Carnivore created an unprecedented opportunity for the government to snoop on innocent and unsuspecting citizens. FBI officials countered by saying that Carnivore was used only rarely and only after the organization had obtained a court order. In spite of the reported limited use, the FBI argued that Carnivore was a vital surveillance tool because criminals were using the Internet to communicate and commit crimes in increasing numbers. It also asserted that the technology used in Carnivore was so advanced that it could be tailored to pluck data coming from a particular suspect’s e-mail communications and Internet activity from among all the traffic generated by millions of ISP customers, thus eliminating the potential for closer scrutiny of the e-mail and Web activity of non-suspects. Other than that, however, the FBI was reluctant to disclose further information on the extent of Carnivore’s capabilities.
In September 2000, in response to widespread publicity about the system, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno ordered an independent review of Carnivore by a team from the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). That review’s final draft , released on December 8, 2000, concluded that Carnivore should remain in place and stated that it “does not have nearly enough power ‘to spy on almost everyone with an e-mail account.’” The review did recommend some changes to make Carnivore safer and easier to understand, but it stated that the system’s basic safeguards were essentially in place.
Privacy groups and others were highly critical of the review, as many of the IIT researchers had close ties to the U.S. Department of Justice, other governmental departments, and the then-current executive administration. They also noted that, because of tight Justice Department restrictions, several universities had declined to take on the job of reviewing the system.
The controversy surrounding Carnivore and the IIT report eventually faded, although some critics continued to fight for more information about the system and how it was being used. In January 2005 the FBI said that it had not used Carnivore in more than two years, relying instead on newer commercially available applications that were more technologically advanced than Carnivore.