Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Fadeyev
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Fadeyev (born Dec. 11 [Dec. 24, New Style], 1901, Kimry, near Tver, Russia—died May 13, 1956, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.) was a Russian novelist who was a leading exponent and theoretician of proletarian literature and a high Communist Party functionary influential in literary politics.
Fadeyev passed his youth in the Ural Mountains and in eastern Siberia, receiving his schooling in Vladivostok. He joined the Communist Party in 1918 and fought in Siberia against both the White armies and the Japanese. Drawing on this experience he wrote his first important novel, Razgrom (1927; The Nineteen), which deals with a ragged band of 19 Red guerrilla fighters trapped between the Whites and the Japanese. Each of the 19 characters is treated in the round. Especially notable is the portrait of their leader, the positive hero Levinson, a disciplined communist who conceals his own fears and weaknesses and leads his unlikely army to a successful escape. Siberia also is the setting of the long, unfinished multivolume novel Posledny iz Udege (1929–41; “The Last of the Udege”).
After becoming a member of the board of the Union of Soviet Writers, Fadeyev wrote little fiction. In 1946 he became general secretary and chairman of the executive board of the Writers’ Union, posts he held until 1954. After World War II he published Molodaya gvardiya (1946; rev. ed. 1951; The Young Guard), dealing with youthful guerrilla fighters in German-occupied Ukraine. It was at first highly praised but was later denounced for omitting the role played by party members in the Resistance, and Fadeyev rewrote it. The extent to which Fadeyev was responsible for the purges of writers and artists in the 1930s and ’40s has not been ascertained; however, he zealously supported the Zhdanov cultural purge (1946–48), personally attacking Boris Pasternak and M.M. Zoshchenko. When Joseph Stalin died, Fadeyev eulogized him as “the greatest humanist the world has ever known.” After the official denunciation of Stalin in 1956, Fadeyev climaxed a long drinking bout by committing suicide.