Edgerton Bible case
Edgerton Bible case, decision by the Supreme Court of the state of Wisconsin that outlawed devotional Bible reading in Wisconsin public schools in 1890. The decision, which was the first of its kind in the United States, came in response to complaints by Roman Catholic parents who objected to the exclusive use of the King James Version of the Bible.
Although the constitution that was adopted when Wisconsin became a state in 1848 outlawed “sectarian instruction,” the Bible was not generally considered sectarian, and readings from it were incorporated into school curricula as well as a variety of public functions. Practices that had proved uncontroversial among the state’s Protestant majority, however, were challenged as immigration swelled Wisconsin’s Catholic population in the later decades of the 19th century.
In 1886 a group of Catholics brought suit against the public school in Edgerton, Wisconsin, because several teachers had followed the long-standing tradition of reading the Bible in their classrooms. The plaintiffs argued that the practice violated the Wisconsin constitution’s prohibition on sectarian instruction in public schools. The school board denied that the practice was sectarian and pointed out that the Catholic children could withdraw from the room if they were offended by the practice. The board also argued that it had the power, under the state’s constitution, to choose textbooks for the schools under their jurisdiction and that they therefore had the power to choose the King James Version of the Bible for use in Edgerton’s schools.
The case reached a circuit court, where the practice was found to be legitimate on the grounds that the Bible was not a sectarian text, although denominational interpretations of it were. The Catholic Citizen, a lay-owned Catholic weekly newspaper in Milwaukee, took up the case and began what became a successful campaign for donations to support the Catholic petitioners in order to take the case to the state’s Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court of Wisconsin deemed the practice unconstitutional by a 5–0 vote, finding that Bible reading did constitute sectarian instruction and violated the liberty of conscience of the Catholic citizens. Protestant reaction was swift. The state’s Baptists, Congregationalists, Methodists, and Presbyterians condemned the decision and forecast that dire moral and social calamities would befall the state because of the ruling. Some of these adherents called on a union of like-minded people to overturn the decision; others opted for the founding of their own schools; still others decried Catholics for having brought the suit.