Farmers’ Alliance
Farmers’ Alliance, an American agrarian movement during the 1870s and ’80s that sought to improve the economic conditions for farmers through the creation of cooperatives and political advocacy. The movement was made up of numerous local organizations that coalesced into three large groupings.
In the American Midwest and West, farming in the late 19th century was made difficult by a combination of drought and high fees for the storage and transportation of farm goods to market. In addition, interest rates on loans were high. Farmers subsequently formed various associations to deal with these issues. One such organization was the National Farmers’ Alliance (also called the Northern Alliance), which grew out of the Granger movement (a farming coalition that fought monopolistic grain transport practices). There was an attempt in 1877 in New York to start a national organization, but the first effective body was founded in 1880 by farm journalist Milton George in Chicago. Numerous local chapters were formed and organized into state groupings of the National Farmers’ Alliance.
In the South, the Civil War and its aftermath caused trouble for farmers, many of whom were sharecroppers, meaning that they did not own the land they farmed and remained mired in debt owed to the landowners. Smallholders also faced difficulty obtaining affordable loans. The alliance movement in the South had its genesis as the Texas Alliance, founded in the mid-1870s in Lampasas county in Texas. As it expanded throughout the state, it became the Texas State Farmers’ Alliance. From the mid-1880s, under the leadership of Charles W. Macune, it was known as the National Farmers’ Alliance and Industrial Union (also called the Southern Alliance). It spread throughout the South and made inroads into the West and Midwest as well.
African American farmers in the South, banned from membership in the Southern Alliance, formed the Colored Farmers’ National Alliance and Cooperative Union (also called the Colored Farmers’ Alliance). This organization had many of the same goals as its white counterpart.
Many Farmers’ Alliance chapters set up cooperative stores that sold goods at lower prices than retail establishments, and they also established cooperative mills and storehouses to help decrease the costs to farmers of bringing goods to market. Many alliance members became impatient with the piecemeal approach and began making political demands as well. They supported government regulation or ownership of railways and telegraph companies, an increase in the supply of money, a graduated income tax and a decrease in tariffs, the abolition of national banks, and the establishment of subtreasuries—government warehouses in which farmers could deposit crops and borrow against the worth of the crop at a low interest rate. In addition, the alliance sought the direct election of members of the U.S. Senate.
Proponents of the political objectives of the Farmers’ Alliance organizations found that, while they were able to achieve some victories in local elections, they were unable to effect change on a national scale. Leaders of the Farmers’ Alliance therefore in 1892 founded a political party, the People’s, or Populist, Party, to pursue these goals and nominated James B. Weaver as their candidate in the 1892 presidential election. In the process the Farmers’ Alliance faded away.