Febronianism, a German religio-political doctrine expounded by Bishop Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim (under the pseudonym Justinus Febronius) in his De Statu Ecclesiae et Legitima Potestate Romani Pontificis (1763; “The State of the Church and the Lawful Power of the Roman Pontiff”). The doctrine imposed severe limitations on the pope, making him subject to the total church and to a general council of bishops, and strengthened both the state and the national bodies of bishops. It found ready adherents in those places that actively resented papal power. Hontheim’s work was condemned and placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (“List of Forbidden Books”) in 1764. The French Revolution and lack of support from the majority of the German bishops led to the collapse of Febronianism by the end of the 18th century.