disenchantment, in philosophy and sociology, the supposed condition of the world once science and the Enlightenment have eroded the sway of religion and superstition. The concept of disenchantment, so defined, emphasizes the opposed roles of science and religion in modern society. The German sociologist Max Weber is credited with popularizing the term in a lecture given in 1918.
Weber used the German word Entzauberung, translated into English as “disenchantment” but which literally means “de-magic-ation.” More generally, the word connotes the breaking of a magic spell. For Weber, the advent of scientific methods and the use of enlightened reason meant that the world was rendered transparent and demystified. Theological and supernatural accounts of the world involving gods and spirits, for example, ceased to be plausible. Instead, one put one’s faith in the ability of science to eventually explain everything in rational terms. But, for Weber, the effect of that demystification was that the world was leeched of mystery and richness. It became disenchanted and disenchanting, predictable and intellectualized. In that sense, the disenchantment of the world is the alienating and undesirable flip side of scientific progress.
Indeed, Weber did not have many good things to say about the process of disenchantment. For example, in a disenchanted world, public life is on the wane because transcendent values are no longer to be found in community or polity; rather, people seek emotional fulfillment in private relations. According to Weber, such undesirable consequences of disenchantment can be attributed above all to the fact that science inadequately fills the vacuum left by the diminishment of religion: science may be able to clarify questions of values and morals, but it is ultimately incapable of answering them. However, a return to old-style religion is also an inferior solution, for that would represent a withdrawal into the obsolete and unfounded beliefs of the past. The inadequacy of both science and religion produces a fundamental impasse in the modern world, Weber thought.
During World War II the philosophers Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno drew on Weber to point out that science’s attempts to disenchant the world resulted only in a kind of return of the repressed: the irrationality that had been squelched by enlightened reason returned in the form of violence and barbarism. Later political theorists and philosophers such as Jane Bennett and Charles Taylor sought to question the very premises of Weber’s thesis that science serves only to disenchant the world and dispel spiritual feeling.