William Farr
William Farr (born November 30, 1807, Kenley, Shropshire, England—died April 14, 1883, London) was a British physician who pioneered the quantitative study of morbidity (disease incidence) and mortality (death), helping establish the field of medical statistics. Farr is considered to be a major figure in the history of epidemiology, having worked for almost 40 years analyzing statistics on death and disease from England and Wales and having developed a nosology (disease classification) that was a forerunner of the modern International Classification of Diseases (ICD), a tool used to classify and monitor causes of injury and death to promote international compatibility in health-data reporting.
Farr was born into an impoverished family, the first of five children. Shortly after his birth, his parents moved to Dorrington, a small village in Shropshire county, where at age seven he was apprenticed to an elderly squire and family patron. Farr later received medical training, serving an apprenticeship with an apothecary and attending medical lectures in Paris and London. In 1832 he qualified as a licentiate of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London.
In the 1830s in London, Farr wrote articles on medical topics related to public health and statistics, including several pieces that were published in the journal The Lancet. In 1837, with an extensive knowledge of statistics, he was recommended for the post of compiler of abstracts at the General Register Office of England and Wales, which registered births, marriages, and deaths. Over the next four decades, he compiled statistics on death and disease across the regions.
In 1864 Farr published a report showing a disproportionately high number of deaths among miners in Cornwall. The statistics presented in the report showed that after age 35 mortality among miners was much higher than among males exclusive of miners. After comparing the average annual numbers of deaths among miners in Cornwall with those among miners in select districts of Durham and Northumberland, Farr concluded that pulmonary diseases were the chief cause of the high mortality rate among Cornish miners. He further suggested that excess mortality from pulmonary diseases reached its maximum after middle age because by then mine conditions had sufficient time to produce their effect on miners’ health. Farr inferred that the diseases were due to labour conditions inside the mines.
Being a conscious reformer, Farr opposed the Malthusian views in fashion in his lifetime. Against the idea that population grows geometrically while food supply can grow only arithmetically, he argued that human inventiveness could increase food productivity and, moreover, that plants and animals serving as sources of food also grow geometrically. Against English economist and demographer Thomas Robert Malthus’s idea that men reproduce akin to rabbits—without concern for the consequences of rapid population growth—Farr showed with statistics that in England the average age at marriage was 24–25 years old, about eight years after women reached reproductive maturity. He also showed that more than 20 percent of men and women who reached reproductive age never married.
As the statistician in charge of analyzing mortality data, Farr argued in an official report that hunger was responsible for many more deaths than shown in the statistics, since its effects were generally manifested indirectly in the production of diseases of various kinds. Although he was a supporter of the miasmatic theory of disease and had initially claimed that cholera was transmitted by polluted air, Farr was finally persuaded otherwise by English physician John Snow. In 1866 Farr produced a monograph showing that in London cholera cases were higher among people who received water from relatively low-elevation sources served by the Southwark and Lambeth water companies.
Being fluent in French, German, and Italian, Farr represented Britain in a number of statistical congresses and in his later years was considered a major authority on medical statistics and public health. Today he is considered one of the most-prominent figures of the movement of social medicine in Victorian England and a major author in the history of health statistics. Farr developed a classification of causes of death, constructed the first English life table, and made major contributions to occupational epidemiology, comparing mortality in specific occupations with that of the general population.