cancer of unknown primary
cancer of unknown primary (CUP), rare condition in which the initial site of cancer development in a patient’s body cannot be identified. In the vast majority of cases, cancer cells share identifiable features in common with the normal cells that make up the tissue in which the cancer initially developed. Thus, even when cancer cells metastasize (spread) to distant sites in the body and an obvious original tumour mass is not present, pathologists ultimately are able to identify the site of primary tumour development on the basis of certain aspects of the cells’ morphology and the presence of unique markers within the cells or on their surfaces. In about 2 to 5 percent of cases, however, the site at which a cancer originated cannot be determined, resulting in a diagnosis of cancer of unknown primary (CUP). CUP is distinct from cancers of blood-forming cells, such as lymphoma and leukemia, which may not have obvious primary sites but possess features unique to hematologic cells.
There are five general types of CUP, which are revealed by histological examination of biopsy specimens collected from patients. The five categories are well-differentiated adenocarcinoma (glandular cancer of epithelial cells), poorly differentiated carcinoma (cancer of epithelial cells), squamous cell carcinoma, poorly differentiated malignant neoplasm, and neuroendocrine carcinoma. The majority of CUPs are adenocarcinomas.
Diagnosis of CUP is based on exclusion—all other possible diagnoses must be ruled out. Samples of cancer cells are examined through immunohistochemical staining and molecular gene-expression profiling, advances that have enabled accurate prediction of the tissue of origin. Those analyses are combined with review of the patient’s clinical history and physical presentation. Blood tests, urinalysis, breast and rectal exams, and radiological and other imaging tests are also performed.
For the majority of patients originally diagnosed with CUP, the primary site of cancer development ultimately is detected, greatly facilitating treatment. In cases in which the anatomical primary site is not identified, tissue-of-origin predictions provided by immunohistochemistry and gene-expression profiling can be used to guide therapeutic decisions. Factors such as the number of metastases, their size, and the anatomical sites affected (e.g., lymph nodes, bone) further influence CUP treatment. Thus, treatment often entails one or more of the following: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and targeted therapy.
Because the cancer often has spread to multiple sites by the time CUP is diagnosed, even with treatment overall prognosis tends to be poor. Average length of survival after diagnosis is 9 to 12 months. Certain factors may worsen prognosis, such as involvement of the liver, adrenal glands, and other organs, whereas cancers limited to the lymph nodes are associated with better survival rates.