GSG 9, that exists within Germany’s Federal Police (Bundespolizei). It was formed in the wake of the massacre at the Munich 1972 Olympic Games.
After the defeat of the Nazi regime in World War II, the West German government was reorganized. West Germany had an army but no national police force or intelligence agency, and the national government had very little power to regulate the internal affairs of its states. In 1972, when the city of Munich hosted the Olympics, security for the games was the responsibility of the state of Bavaria (of which Munich was the capital). That security was deliberately relaxed, however, in an effort to prove to the world that Germany had moved beyond its militaristic past.
On September 5, 1972, a team of Palestinian terrorists from the Black September group entered the Olympic Village, killing two members of the Israeli Olympic team and taking nine others hostage. After hours of tense negotiations, which were televised worldwide, the Munich police made a last desperate attempt to free the hostages. The operation was a disaster—all nine Israelis and a West German police officer were killed.
To prevent another such catastrophe, GSG 9 was created as a part of the Bundesgrenzschutz, or Federal Border Guard, one of the few German security agencies with national authority. Headed by Ulrich Wegener, the group had three combat teams of 30 men, with additional members trained in logistics, support, communications, and intelligence. In later years, the GSG 9 was expanded and divided into three divisions: GSG 9/1 (ground forces), GSG 9/2 (trained for maritime operations), and GSG 9/3 (an aerial assault team).
GSG 9 made its public debut in response to the hijacking of a Lufthansa flight on October 13, 1977. The hijackers spent the following days ordering the plane to various destinations throughout the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East before murdering pilot Jürgen Schumann in Aden, Yemen. The plane’s copilot then flew to Mogadishu, Somalia, where the hijackers demanded the release of 13 prisoners, including the leaders of the West German Red Army Faction, in exchange for some 90 hostages. While negotiators stalled for time, a GSG 9 team was flown to Mogadishu. In the early hours of October 18, while the Somali Army provided a diversion, the GSG 9 team broke into the plane. In less than 10 minutes, four terrorists had been killed or wounded and the remaining hostages had been freed. The success of the operation was vital in restoring public confidence in Germany’s security forces.
The overwhelming majority of subsequent GSG 9 missions remain classified, but it was active in the West German government’s fight against the Red Army Faction. All GSG 9 members undergo advanced counterterrorism training in areas such as building assault, hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship, and explosives. In 2013 the Personenschutz im Ausland (Personnel Protection Abroad) service, which provides security for German Foreign Ministry personnel, was integrated into the GSG 9.