punitive damages
punitive damages, legal damages a judge or a jury may grant a plaintiff to punish and make an example of the defendant. Punitive damages are generally meted out in only the most extreme circumstances, usually in breaches of obligation with significant evidence of oppression, fraud, gross negligence, or malice. In such cases, the plaintiff may thus recover punitive damages in addition to the actual damages for the sake of example and by way of further sanctioning the defendant.
Most punitive damages are closely tailored to the amount of compensatory damages, such as medical expenses and lost wages, previously awarded and consider the defendant’s wealth and ability to pay. Unlike compensatory damages, which may be paid for by an insurance company, punitive damages usually must be paid for by the party against whom they are assessed. In many countries, punitive damages can only be awarded if the offensive act arose from a tort (an offense against an individual) and not from a breach of contract.