Rampart scandal
Rampart scandal, official inquiry (1998–2000) into corruption among officers of the Rampart Division of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). More than 70 officers were implicated in misconduct, including unprovoked beatings and shootings, planting and covering up evidence, stealing and dealing drugs, and perjury.
The Rampart Division of the LAPD, located west of downtown Los Angeles, was the most populous area of Los Angeles and had a primarily Latino population. It was also one of the busiest divisions in terms of calls for service and criminal activity. In the late 1970s and 1980s the area experienced an increase in violent crime, particularly crime involving gangs, drugs, and weapons. To combat the rising violent gang crime, the department, then headed by Chief Daryl Gates, created a group of elite antigang units called CRASH (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums). The type of officers who were selected for those units were those not afraid to talk to gang members; Gates intended the officers to mix with gang members in order to gather intelligence to be used for the prevention of violent crime.
According to some measures, CRASH was very successful in reducing crime, and CRASH officers were gratified because they were no longer tied to the radio (handling calls for service) and no longer had to wear uniforms. CRASH developed a culture of its own in which officers began emulating gang members in dress and manner. They had a reputation among Los Angeles street gangs as being tough and promoting violence and, it was later to emerge, many of them succumbed to the temptation to engage in corrupt behavior such as stealing and selling drugs.
Such illegal behavior continued for several years until it came to official notice. In May 1998, after concerns surfaced about the actions of some officers, LAPD Chief of Police Bernard Parks named an investigative task force. Its attention came to focus on one CRASH officer in particular, Rafael Perez. Perez was arrested in August on suspicion of having stolen 8 pounds of cocaine valued at more than $1 million from a police evidence locker in 1998. As a part of a plea agreement for a reduced sentence, he agreed to cooperate with investigators and provided information on more than 70 officers, including police supervisors who committed corrupt acts or allowed them to occur.
Perez testified in court that CRASH officers essentially became a gang. They wore skull tattoos with cowboy hats and poker cards portraying the dead man’s hand of aces and eights. In addition to reporting the theft of money and drugs, Perez described some of the horrific actions that he claimed police officers in the CRASH unit committed. Some of the more chilling allegations were that officers had murdered or attempted to murder innocent people and planted weapons on them to cover up the crimes. One example was the police shooting of a man, Juan Saldana, while he was running in an apartment hallway. Saldana fell to the floor and the officers planted a gun on him to justify the shooting. Officers then fabricated a cover-up story while Saldana bled to death. Other innocent victims were paralyzed or served time in prison on trumped-up charges. These crimes, according to Perez, were celebrated and rewarded by CRASH supervisors.
Officers were able to operate undetected because they insulated themselves from “by the book” officers and supervisors. For an officer to become a CRASH member, he or she needed to have a CRASH member as a sponsor. Even after being selected, a new member’s behavior was monitored to make sure that he or she was not a snitch. There were also tests of planting weapons in which new members had to participate in order to show their loyalty to the CRASH unit. Eventually the corruption within the Rampart Division became well known within the force, and law-abiding officers transferred out of the division while corrupt officers requested transfers in. Little was done to curb the corruption because the units were reducing crime in the area. Because of Perez’s cooperation with investigators, he was sentenced to 5 years in prison and received immunity from further prosecution. He was released from prison in July 2001.
The racial and ethnic implications of these events were evident to many observers. The victims of the police killings and woundings, and those who were routinely arrested on fabricated evidence and charges, were young, poor, working-class, African Americans or Latinos, some of whom were recent immigrants. Members of those minorities consistently felt victimized by the police. Racial tensions were already running high between citizens and police in the aftermath of the 1991 Rodney King beating by several Los Angeles police officers and the subsequent acquittal of three of the officers in 1992, which sparked 4 days of violent riots in Los Angeles.
During the entire Rampart investigation—conducted by a board of inquiry convened in September 1999 by Chief Bernard Parks—there was, however, no mention of race or ethnicity as factors contributing to the corruption. The board’s report, issued in March 2000, named a lack of managerial oversight and a failure to properly review reports as the primary causes of the Rampart corruption. Policy recommendations called for an increase in the number of internal affairs officers and the increased use of the polygraph during the hiring process in order to weed out corrupt applicants.
As a result of the scandal, the City of Los Angeles faced more than 140 civil lawsuits with an estimated settlement cost of $125 million. The investigation resulted in the overturning of more than 100 cases and the uncovering of corruption in many more.