list of plants in the family Orchidaceae
The orchid family (Orchidaceae) is the second largest family of flowering plants, with about 880 genera and some 26,000 species distributed nearly worldwide. Orchids are perennial herbs and feature unusual bilaterally symmetric flowers, with masses of pollen known as pollinia, and tiny, dustlike seeds. Many are grown as ornamentals for their showy flowers, and several are of economic importance as the source of the flavouring vanilla. The following is a list of some of the major genera and species in the family Orchidaceae, arranged alphabetically by common name or genus.
- bucket orchid (genus Coryanthes)
- genus Bulbophyllum
- butterfly orchid (various genera)
- genus Calanthe
- genus Calopogon
- genus Cattleya
- genus Coelogyne
- coralroot (genus Corallorhiza)
- genus Cymbidium
- genus Dactylorhiza
- genus Dendrobium
- genus Disa
- donkey orchid (genus Diuris)
- dragon’s mouth (genus Arethusa)
- genus Epidendrum
- fairy slipper (Calypso bulbosa)
- frog orchid (Dactylorhiza viridis)
- greenhood (genus Pterostylis)
- helleborine (genera Cephalanthera and Epipactis)
- jewel orchid (various genera)
- ladies’ tresses (genus Spiranthes)
- lady’s slipper (subfamily Cypripedioideae)
- genus Laelia
- lizard orchid (Himantoglossum hircinum)
- genus Lycaste
- genus Masdevallia
- genus Maxillaria
- moth orchid (genus Phalaenopsis)
- genus Odontoglossum
- genus Oncidium
- genus Ophrys
- genus Orchis
- man orchid (O. anthropophora and O. italica)
- genus Pleurothallis
- genus Pogonia
- rein orchid (genus Platanthera)
- genus Serapias
- spider orchid (genera Brassia and Caladenia)
- sun orchid (genus Thelymitra)
- twayblade (genera Liparis and Neottia)
- bird’s nest orchid (N. nidus-avis)
- genus Vanda
- genus Vanilla
- genus Zygopetalum
Citation Information
Article Title:
list of plants in the family Orchidaceae
Website Name:
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Date Published:
29 May 2018
Access Date:
February 23, 2025