Aiwel, in the indigenous religion of the Dinka people of South Sudan, the legendary ancestor and founder of the priesthood known as the spearmasters.
According to legend, Aiwel was the son of a water spirit and a human mother. After his mother died during his childhood, Aiwel went to live with his father in a river. When he became an adult, he returned to his mother’s village with a beautiful multicoloured ox, which he called Longar.
Aiwel is representative of so many values, attitudes, and dispositions in Dinka tradition that one could almost say that the Dinka measure other people by his characteristics. His narrative shows that he was both a spirit and a human being. He established himself as the leader of his people by performing many mighty deeds at his mother’s village. According to legend, not long after his return to his mother’s village, there was a terrible drought that resulted in the deaths of many people and thousands of cattle. Greatly disturbed by what he saw, Aiwel told the people in the village that they should follow him to a new land, because if they remained where they were, they would die. He spoke directly to the elders, telling them that they would have water and grass for their animals as well as for themselves if they followed him.
Although he had traveled where others had never gone, it was difficult for him to convince the people of something they had never seen. Many people spoke against the plan and refused to leave. Aiwel then decided to leave with his family and to take with him anyone who wanted to go. Soon after his departure, some of the people who had challenged him decided to follow him. But Aiwel was angry with them for not having come in the first place; when they reached a river, he killed several of them as they tried to cross. Aiwel eventually relented and allowed most of the newcomers to join his group. He gave the men spears, and they became part of his spearmaster clan.