Joschka Fischer
Joschka Fischer (born April 12, 1948, Gerabronn, Germany) is a German political activist and politician who in the 1990s led the Green Party of Germany (Die Grünen) into the government. He served as foreign minister and vice-chancellor (1998–2005) of Germany.
Fischer was born to a Hungarian father and a German mother who had been forced out of Hungary in 1946. He dropped out of high school to become a photographer’s apprentice. His political views were galvanized in 1967 when a student was shot dead by police following a political demonstration in West Berlin. (It later was discovered that the police officer responsible for the shooting was a spy for East Germany.) Fischer moved to Frankfurt in late 1968, where he joined the militant group Revolutionary Fight and participated in student riots and demonstrations. During his time there, he had several odd jobs, including that of taxi driver.
After a period of particularly bloody leftist violence in 1977, Fischer steered away from the militants, and in 1982 he joined the Green Party. In 1983, at the height of the protest movement against the U.S. deployment of ballistic and cruise missiles, he was elected one of the Greens’ first members of the Bundestag (lower house of the German parliament). The Greens’ platform advocated the immediate shutdown of nuclear plants, a shorter workweek, withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the dismantling of the German army. From his seat in the Bundestag, Fischer was a gadfly, often heckling the government with wicked and humorous remarks.
Although the Green Party officially maintained a collective system of leadership, Fischer emerged as the clear leader of the party after it failed to win seats in the legislature in 1990. His “realist” (Realo) faction, composed largely of Bundestag members, wanted the Greens to work within the political system, pursuing environmental goals but with more flexibility. The “fundamentalist” (Fundi) faction, which dominated the party’s nonparliamentary executive committee, advocated a purist ideological posture and pushed to maintain its extraparliamentary roots and campaign for change at the local level. Fischer’s Realo ideologies moved the Green Party beyond grassroots environmentalism. The party worked to curb automatic entitlements and to cut government bureaucracy, appealing to young professionals whose parents, holding the same jobs 10 years earlier, would never have voted Green. Fischer also steered his party away from its strict antinuclear stance during the 1990s and saw Germany bound militarily to the West, if not through NATO, then through a European alliance. That seemed to some a betrayal, but it returned the Greens, in partnership with the grassroots organization Alliance ’90, to the Bundestag in 1994 with 7.3 percent of the vote. Fischer asserted that the Greens were no longer radical, as demonstrated by the party’s pragmatic shift toward the centre, which had been spurred by his leadership.
After the 1998 parliamentary elections, Alliance ’90/The Greens joined with the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) as the junior partner in a coalition government. This led to a rise in national power for the Greens that propelled Fischer to his appointment as German foreign minister and vice-chancellor in 1998. During his tenure, Fischer supported German troops’ participation in a NATO-led peacekeeping mission in Kosovo in 1999 and in an intervention in Afghanistan in 2001.
In 2001 there were calls for Fischer’s resignation following the publication of several controversial photographs from the 1970s, in which he was shown attacking a police officer during a demonstration. Because of his popularity and the support of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, however, Fischer retained his position. In 2002 the Greens named him leader of the party; it was the first time the party had officially designated a single leader.
He stepped down as leader of the party in 2005 when it did not gain enough votes to remain in government. He spent the following year as a lecturer and fellow at Princeton University and returned to Germany in 2007. In 2009 he became a consultant for an international natural-gas pipeline project that was intended to reduce the European Union’s dependency on Russian gas; however, the Nabucco pipeline, as it was known, was canceled in 2013.