fatalism, the attitude of mind which accepts whatever happens as having been bound or decreed to happen. Such acceptance may be taken to imply belief in a binding or decreeing agent. The development of this implication can be found in ancient Greek and Roman mythology, with its personification of Fate, and in Norse mythology with the Norns.
Later doctrines of fatalism may be described loosely as synonymous with determinism, but it is useful to make a distinction. Whereas determinism can be represented as compatible with moral responsibility, fatalism properly understood would reduce practical ethics to nothing but the advice that humans should resign themselves indifferently to the course of events. Strict fatalism, therefore, is not to be sought in the major Christian controversies arising from differences between Augustinian and Pelagian, semi-Pelagian, or Molinist doctrine on free will, on grace, and on predestination. Among Christians, the Quietists, with their uncritical reliance on inspiration, may be regarded as having approached more closely to the fatalistic norm of behaviour than any of the commonly recognized partisans of determinism, such as Calvinists or Jansenists.