Robert Fitzroy
Robert Fitzroy (born July 5, 1805, Ampton Hall, near Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, Eng.—died April 30, 1865, Norwood, Surrey) was a British naval officer, hydrographer, and meteorologist who commanded the voyage of HMS Beagle, which sailed around the world with Charles Darwin aboard as naturalist. The voyage provided Darwin with much of the material on which he based his theory of evolution.
Fitzroy entered the Royal Navy in 1819 and, after service in the Mediterranean and in South American waters, received command of the 240-ton brig Beagle in 1828. He surveyed the South American coast around Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, returning to England in 1830.
On Dec. 27, 1831, Fitzroy sailed from Portsmouth in the Beagle with Darwin aboard. The expedition visited the Cape Verde Islands, the South American coast, the Strait of Magellan, the Galápagos Islands, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, the Maldives, and Mauritius before returning to England on Oct. 2, 1836. In 1839 Fitzroy published two volumes of Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty’s Ships Adventure and Beagle Between the Years 1826 and 1836, Describing Their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, and the Beagle’s Circumnavigation of the Globe. A third volume, popularly known as The Voyage of the Beagle, was published by Darwin in 1839.
A member of Parliament for Durham (1841), Fitzroy became governor of New Zealand in 1843 but was recalled in 1845 largely because he contended that Maori land claims were as valid as those of the settlers. He retired from active duty in 1850 and from 1854 devoted himself to meteorology. He devised a storm warning system that was the prototype of the daily weather forecast, invented a barometer, and published The Weather Book (1863).
Fitzroy was a strongly religious man. During the 1831–36 voyage, he continually resisted Darwin’s growing doubts about special creation and the fixity of species. Interactions with Fitzroy, however, helped Darwin clarify his views about evolution and anticipate many objections to his theory prior to its publication. Fitzroy was present at the famous meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1860 at which T.H. Huxley successfully defended Darwin’s Origin of Species from attack by Samuel Wilberforce, the bishop of Oxford. Fitzroy’s attempt at that meeting to support Wilberforce against Huxley led to ridicule. His death was by suicide, during a period of mental turmoil, partly induced by the growing success of the idea of evolution.