Siege of Syracuse
Fought as part of the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage, the siege and capture of Syracuse by Rome 214–212 bce marked the end of the independence of the Greek cities in southern Italy and Sicily. It also led to the death of the noted mathematician and inventor Archimedes, who took part in the city’s defense.
In 214 bce the pro-Roman king, Hiero II of Syracuse, died and a republic was founded. The new government rebuffed Rome, allied itself to Carthage, and declared war. The assassination of the pro-Carthaginian dictator of Syracuse did nothing to alter the city’s stance toward Rome, and thus a Roman army and fleet, led by Marcus Claudius Marcellus, was dispatched by the Roman Senate to lay siege. Syracuse was a strongly defended city with a large harbor, and Marcellus brought in a reported 60 warships equipped with siege towers and scaling ladders to assault the city from the port.
Inside Syracuse, Archimedes devised a number of countermeasures. One was a powerful hook mounted on a rotating crane that could lift Roman ships out of the water and capsize them. Another was a catapult called a “scorpion” that fired multiple darts and could kill many besiegers at a time. Archimedes is said to have also developed a curved mirror that could focus the rays of the sun onto Roman ships and set them on fire, although this device almost certainly did not exist in reality—for if it had, Rome would surely have deployed the weapon on capturing the city, and the mirror does not appear in contemporary histories but is instead first mentioned only three centuries after the siege. Whatever the case, Roman crews avoided approaching the walls, and the siege settled down into a blockade. A Carthaginian army attempted to relieve Syracuse but was decimated by disease, while the Romans drove off a Carthaginian fleet.
In 212 bce Marcellus took advantage of the Syracusans’ being distracted by an annual festival to the goddess Artemis and sent an elite squad of soldiers under cover of night to scale the walls and open the gates. In the sack that followed, a Roman soldier found Archimedes in his study working on a mathematical problem. Archimedes told the soldier to leave him alone, and was later killed. The central fortress of Syracuse held out for a few weeks, but eventually fell.
Losses: Roman, unknown; Syracusan, 5,000 (the entire garrison) plus a large proportion of the civilian population.