quarter days
quarter days, the days that begin each quarter of the year. In England they are March 25 (Lady Day), June 24 (Midsummer Day), September 29 (Michaelmas Day), and December 25 (Christmas Day). Some local variations of these dates are found. They are the days on which it is usually contracted that rents should be paid and houses or lands entered upon or quitted. In Scotland there are two legal terms, May 15 (Whitsunday) and November 11 (Martinmas), and these, with the two conventional terms, February 2 (Candlemas) and August 1 (Lammas), make up the Scottish quarter days. In the Scottish burghs, however, the removal terms are May 28 and November 28. In the United States the quarter days are, by law, the 1st of January, April, July, and October.