lord privy seal
lord privy seal, great officer in the British government who has custody of the privy seal.
Like other developments in royal administration, the first privy seal known to have been used in England dates from the reign of King John. It was kept by the clerks of the king’s chamber for use in business relating to the domestic economy. When the Wardrobe assumed responsibility for such matters in the reign of Henry III, the privy seal was transferred to this department, and under Edward I and Edward II the controller of the Wardrobe had charge of it. Although chancery at first enrolled writs of privy seal, the Wardrobe itself recorded these writs in registers in the reigns of Edward I and his son. Many drafts of privy seal letters, originally kept in files, remain from this period.
As a result of the action of the Ordainers in 1311, the privy seal was removed from the wardrobe and entrusted to its own keeper; the succession of keepers of the privy seal can be traced from 1312. The keeper became one of the foremost officers of state, ranking after the chancellor and treasurer. Except for the tenure of Nicholas Carew (1371–77), the seal was kept by clerks who usually received bishoprics in recognition of this service. The title lord privy seal first appeared when the office was held by Richard Foxe (1487–1516). Since 1530 the title has been held by laymen, who until recent years were usually peers.
The records of the privy seal office continued to be kept in files in the 15th century. Despite misfortunes, many have survived, some being published under the title of Proceedings and Ordinances of the Privy Council of England (ed. by Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas, 1834–37). This mistaken description arose from the frequent notices on these records of activity by the king’s council. As the council did not possess a seal or keep its own registers of proceedings until the 16th century, the privy seal office acted as the council’s secretariat. It remained, however, a major instrument of the medieval king’s personal government. Thousands of writs of privy seal which were sent into chancery to authorize the chancellor to issue letters under the great seal survive to this day, and many others are to be found in the records of the exchequer and other departments which required such writs before expenditure could be incurred. From drafts and formularies it can be observed that the privy seal was used for royal letters sent to foreign monarchs and to officers and subjects in England as well as those overseas. One important function of the privy seal office was the preparation of contracts for military service to the crown; the privy seal was attached to the part of the indenture kept by the king’ retainer.
A number of royal seals smaller than the privy seal appeared during the 14th century. Edward II and Edward III had each in their early years a secret seal kept by their chamber clerks. Edward III also had small seals known as the signum, the novel signet and a griffin signet (the last for the administration of chamber lands). These seals were all short-lived, and a second small seal did not attain a significant position in the royal administration until the reign of Richard II. The rise of the signet and of the office of its keeper, the secretary, was due to the loss of royal control over the privy seal, which had attracted the attention of the baronial opposition. Although royal control was not lost permanently, the established position and multifarious activities of the privy seal office now demanded that it should have a fixed headquarters: the keeper rented an inn in London and the seal “went out of court.” From time to time, however, the keeper was required to attend the sovereign on his journeys, and the privy seal long retained a great advantage over the signet in that it was well known and accepted without question. From 1418 to 1421, when Henry V was in France, there were two privy seal matrices, one with the king, the other with the council in England.
The uncertain standing of the signet was revealed in the reign of Henry VI. The king did not have a signet, or a secretary, in England until he came of age in 1436, and in his periods of incapacity they ceased to be employed. Under Edward IV, however, the signet office was so securely established that it survived during the brief reign of his young son, Edward V. The earliest surviving register of the signet office dates from this time (1483). The monarch now tended to prefer to employ the signet to make the royal will known. The secretary supplanted the keeper of the privy seal as the king’s attendant secretarial officer and also took over his leading part in the management of relations with foreign powers. The activities of the privy seal office became increasingly formal, consisting largely of the issue of letters ordered by warrants under the signet.
Until 1533 the office of secretary was held by a clerk whose personal standing was not particularly prominent, but Thomas Cromwell, the first layman to hold the office, achieved such power that after his fall in 1540 Henry VIII appointed two secretaries. Cromwell was the first secretary of state in the modern sense, and from his time the office has followed its own line of development. The secretary detached himself from the signet office, which became a purely formal department, issuing letters when required to do so by warrants under the royal sign manual. Up to the 19th century, the signet and privy seal offices were merely links in the bureaucratic chain whereby grants by the sovereign were ultimately made effective by letters patent under the great seal in chancery. The signet office was abolished in 1851 and the privy seal office in 1884. The lord keeper was retained and is now a member of the cabinet. There are seven secretaries of state who still each receive three seals from the sovereign at the time of their appointment and use the second of these (the lesser signet) for all government business requiring the sanction of an official seal.