fireside chats
fireside chats, series of radio addresses delivered by U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1944. Although the chats were initially meant to garner Americans’ support for Roosevelt’s New Deal policies, they eventually became a source of hope and security for all Americans. The chats were influential in reformulating the American worldview from one of despair to one of hope during a time of multiple crises, including the Great Depression and World War II. Fireside chats reinforced the importance of broadcast media and the use of common, everyday language when addressing the American people.
Roosevelt understood the importance of radio as a medium and first used it to pressure the New York state legislature during his governorship from 1928 to 1932. As president, Roosevelt set up the “informal chats” to convey the success of his policies via radio to the American people. He regarded these broadcasts as instruments of public education in national affairs as well as a way of enlisting support for his program. Fireside chats were constructed by a committee of Roosevelt’s speech writers and advisers, but Roosevelt was an integral part of the process; he often wrote the conclusions and even changed some of the text while speaking on-air. The chats were scheduled sparingly so as to maintain their importance among his other frequent radio and public addresses. They were delivered by Roosevelt from the White House, with him sitting behind a desk with multiple microphones from various radio networks.
An important characteristic of Roosevelt’s fireside chats was the simple language he used. Although Roosevelt’s New Deal policies were often quite complex, his chats used common language to construct the radio address as an informal conversation between himself and the American public. The content of the chats moved from bolstering Roosevelt’s New Deal policies to discussing various aspects of America’s involvement in World War II. During a time filled with major crises, Roosevelt directly met Americans’ call for leadership through his fireside chats, strengthening public confidence.
The term fireside chat was coined not by the Roosevelt administration but rather by Harry Butcher of the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) radio network, who used the words in a network press release before the second fireside chat on May 7, 1933. Roosevelt’s first fireside address came to the American people on March 12, 1933, as the president tried to explain the banking crisis and the government’s response. The actual number of fireside chats is disputed, with scholars counting between 27 and 31 of his radio addresses as this form of communication.