Young Lords
Young Lords, street gang formed by Puerto Ricans in Chicago that evolved into a diverse revolutionary civil rights group active during the 1960s and ’70s. Its platform included Puerto Rican independence, freedom of political prisoners, and withdrawal of military troops from Puerto Rico, Vietnam, and other areas. The Young Lords also advocated for change in their local communities. Although the Young Lords began in the Puerto Rican community, the group’s goals of civil rights and social justice attracted members from African American and other Latino populations.
In the late 1950s and early ’60s, the north side of Chicago was home to a large number of Puerto Ricans. Soon, however, the area underwent urban renewal, which attracted wealthier residents and forced out those who could no longer afford to live there, many of whom were Puerto Ricans. The displacement and the lack of supervised youth programs led numerous young Puerto Ricans—whose parents had moved to the U.S. mainland in waves in the 1940s and ’50s—to join gangs. One was the Young Lords, of which José (“Cha-Cha”) Jiménez was a member and future president.
In 1968 Jiménez was sentenced to 60 days in county jail on a drug-related offense. There he began to embrace religion while also reading about Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and the Black Panther Party. His experiences with racial discrimination and inequality—as a Puerto Rican both in Chicago and in jail—convinced him to fight for social justice. Upon his release Jiménez began to organize community demonstrations against urban renewal and other issues—such as police brutality—facing Puerto Rican people and other marginalized groups. On September 23, 1968—the 100th anniversary of El Grito de Lares, an unsuccessful uprising of Puerto Ricans against their Spanish occupiers—he publicly announced the reorganization of the Young Lords as a human rights group, modeled after the Black Panthers. They adopted the slogan “Tengo Puerto Rico en mi corazon” (“I have Puerto Rico in my heart”) and became recognizable by their purple berets.
The ranks of the new Young Lords included former gang members as well as community residents and activists. The Young Lords actively created change while serving poor communities. They notably took over a church to offer basic services—such as health care, day care, and lunch programs—to Black and Latino people. By 1969 Jiménez and the Young Lords had joined with Fred Hampton, leader of the Chicago Black Panthers, and other ethnically diverse groups to form the Rainbow Coalition. It presented a multiracial united front to fight against the social injustices in inner-city communities.
In 1969 a Young Lords chapter was established in New York City’s Harlem neighbourhood, and it attracted well-educated professionals and artists who knew how to use the media to their benefit. The group launched a well-publicized initiative to clean up poor sections of the city and to improve sanitation services. When government officials failed to act, the Young Lords collected garbage, dumped it in the middle of the road, and burned it, attracting national media attention in the process. They also made news in 1970 when they occupied a hospital in the economically depressed South Bronx to publicize its poor conditions. That event became the subject of the short documentary Takeover (2021).
Other chapters of the Young Lords formed in such cities as Boston, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. By the mid-1970s, however, dissension within and among the governing bodies of the various chapters caused the group’s popularity to decline. Continued pressure from the FBI and its COINTELPRO program as well as other police repression also weakened the Young Lords, and the group effectively dissolved.