Gallicanism, a complex of French ecclesiastical and political doctrines and practices advocating restriction of papal power; it characterized the life of the Roman Catholic Church in France at certain periods.
Despite its several varieties, Gallicanism consisted of three basic ideas: independence of the French king in the temporal order; superiority of an ecumenical council over the pope; and union of clergy and king to limit the intervention of the pope within the kingdom. Though the word was coined in the 19th century to identify the position opposing Ultramontanism (q.v.), which emphasized papal authority, the doctrine itself had its roots in early French nationalism, especially in the organizing action of Charlemagne in the 8th and 9th centuries, and came to conscious flower in the 14th century.
The struggle between Philip IV the Fair and Pope Boniface VIII (1294–1303) demonstrated in striking fashion the conflict over the nature of the royal and papal powers and their relationship. The next century and a half saw the development of the conciliar theory, according to which a general council draws its powers directly from Christ, even the pope being subject to its decisions. In this context two important events took place. First, during the attempts to end the Great Schism, when rival popes were established at Avignon and Rome, King Charles VI, following a national synod of bishops in 1398, decided to withdraw obedience from Benedict XIII, the pope of Avignon, without recognizing Boniface IX at Rome because he was no longer functioning for the common good of the people. Second, in 1438, during another national synod, Charles VII issued the Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, a declaration of 23 articles affirming that the pope was subject to a general council and that his jurisdiction was conditioned by royal will. Though the popes from then on constantly urged the revocation of the pragmatic sanction, they did not succeed until 1516, when it was replaced by a concordat conceding the French king’s right to nominate bishops.
By the end of the 16th century two kinds of Gallicanism, political and theological, could be distinguished. Political Gallicanism could be further divided into parliamentary and royal; royal Gallicanism designates the policy of the French kings in matters ecclesiastical, and parliamentary Gallicanism indicates the demands of the courts and legislature in dealing with church affairs.
The most notable champion of parliamentary Gallicanism was the jurist Pierre Pithou, who published his Les Libertés de l’église gallicane in 1594. This book, together with several commentaries on it, was condemned by Rome but continued to be influential well into the 19th century.
The best expression of theological Gallicanism was found in the Four Gallican Articles, approved by the assembly of the clergy of France in 1682. This declaration stated: (1) the pope has supreme spiritual but no secular power; (2) the pope is subject to ecumenical councils; (3) the pope must accept as inviolable immemorial customs of the French Church—e.g., the right of secular rulers to appoint bishops or use revenues of vacant bishoprics; (4) papal infallibility in doctrinal matters presupposes confirmation by the total church. Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet drafted the declaration in Latin and defended it in a conciliatory preamble. Though the articles were condemned at Rome by Alexander VIII in 1690 and were revoked in France by Louis XIV in 1693, they remained the typical expression of Gallicanism.
Not all the French clergy were Gallican; the French Jesuits, in particular, were fervently Ultramontane. The 18th century, with its Rationalist attack on the very foundations of Catholicism, weakened the French concern for Gallicanism, and the Revolution left it enervated. Napoleon, though he favoured the clerical Gallican Party, had no strong interest. The first Vatican Council (1869–70) dealt a final blow by formally declaring the Ultramontane position.