Gary Plan
Gary Plan, an educational system instituted in 1907 in Gary, Indiana. It was part of the larger scientific management movement in the early part of the 20th century that tried to increase efficiency in manufacturing through increased separation of worker roles and duties as well as through incentivized wages (see Taylorism). The Gary Plan was one example of the educational practices that were strongly influenced by that business-driven movement. The Dalton Plan—a secondary-education technique based on individual learning—and the Winnetka Plan—an educational system that allowed children to work in several grades at once—were other examples of reforms associated with progressive education.
American educator William Wirt, who became superintendent of Gary’s schools in 1907, developed the Gary Plan, which was also known as the “work-study-play” plan or the “platoon system.” It was influenced by the philosophy of John Dewey and the methods of Frederick Taylor, a pioneer of scientific management. The Gary Plan had organizational and curriculum components that provided pragmatic school subjects related to occupations and everyday life.
Wirt had been a student of Dewey’s at the University of Chicago. One of Dewey’s ideas was of a community school within a school, which would create a school setting in which both elementary- and secondary-level students would be together and learn from each other. Bringing together his ideals and ideas from Dewey and the scientific management movement, Wirt pioneered a new organizational structure called the platoon system, which was fully implemented for the first time in specially designated schools in 1908. Students were split into platoons so that, while one platoon group was studying core academic-related subjects (math, science, social studies, English), another platoon group was receiving art, physical education, and industrial arts courses in specially equipped facilities. Key features of that platoon-based plan were an efficient utilization of the school building, the provision of more curriculum opportunities for manual training and work, and the coordination of various levels of schooling under one roof. By departmentalizing school subjects, students could move from one area of the school to another area on a regular daily schedule in order to achieve full utilization of the building’s space.
Wirt ultimately understood a school as a playground, garden, workshop, social centre, library, and academic classroom setting, all housed within one facility and under one administration. Thus, Wirt also referred to that educational setup as the “work-study-play” plan. Through that setting, students were exposed to many work-related activities, socialization experiences, and planned physical exercise, in addition to the basic academic subjects.
The Gary Plan broke from what many saw as the rigidly bureaucratized and inefficient schooling of that time, and it made the city’s school system widely known as a centre for progressive education. Many efficiency-minded business leaders appreciated the plan’s economical use of the school plan. They noted how school officials could schedule a student body twice as large as before the Gary Plan into the same space and time schedules by having students travel to specialized subject teachers who would teach their specific subject to classes rotating through the school building on a precise time schedule. In addition to that innovative scheduling, Wirt allowed for student participation in religious instruction at specific times.
The organizational and educational scheme embodied by the Gary Plan was different from traditionally structured schools of the time. The plan was seen as an educational prototype set up and tested on children of the new industrial families of the early 20th century. Wirt’s plan received a considerable amount of attention across the United States from school, business, and political leaders at that time—some praising the plan but many being critical and actually rebelling against the education reforms. For some proponents, the plan was seen as having major economic benefits, such as reducing overcrowding in schools and encouraging new, more cost-efficient facilities. For progressive education advocates, the plan provided a social setting in which children learned by doing and were enculturated into society’s core values.
The Federal Bureau of Education, the national department of education in the early part of the 20th century, became a strong advocate of the Gary Plan. That advocacy led to one of the most dramatic school events of the past century. In New York City about 1914, a group of students and parents ignited a rebellion against the adoption of Wirt’s plan in the city’s school system, which illustrated how many people were not in favour of extending the ideas and practices of the business world into schools. Thus, as the Gary Plan gained momentum to expand, the resolve of those people opposing such a plan became more evident, with their objections ranging from the large scale of curricular changes and high cost of new equipment required by the plan to the additional teaching time needed to implement the plan.
Despite opposition, the plan effected a lasting transformation of American school organization and curriculum. By the turn of the 21st century, numerous school programs and organizational structures that resulted from the Gary Plan movement were in wide use in the United States, including the multi-period high-school schedule, vocational-career education programs, and arts curriculum offerings.