Margaret Anderson
Margaret Anderson (born Nov. 24, 1886, Indianapolis, Ind., U.S.—died Oct. 18, 1973, Le Cannet, France) was the founder and editor of the Little Review magazine, the “little magazine” in which she introduced works by many of the best-known American and British writers of the 20th century.
Anderson was reared in a conventional Midwestern home and educated at Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio. She renounced the "bourgeois" values of her background at an early age and moved to Chicago. There she worked as a book reviewer for a religious weekly before joining the staff of The Dial, a literary review. In 1914 she founded the Little Review, a magazine of the arts that announced itself as devoted to "Life for Art’s sake" and that succeeded in becoming foremost in its field. With her longtime associate, Jane Heap, Anderson published the magazine regularly with no ascertainable resources and attracted many of the best writers in the country, although they were paid nothing.
Anderson, by a combination of luck, energy, and a fascination with anything novel, produced a magazine of legendary quality. For six months in 1914, after her financial backers abandoned the Little Review, she lost her home and offices and camped with family and staff members on the shores of Lake Michigan. Once, to protest the temporary lack of exciting new works, she issued 64 blank pages between covers. Among those who contributed to the magazine were Carl Sandburg, Sherwood Anderson, William Carlos Williams, Amy Lowell, Ford Madox Ford, Gertrude Stein, Wallace Stevens, Emma Goldman, and Malcolm Cowley.
In 1917 Ezra Pound was engaged as foreign editor. Through his influence the Little Review published works by William Butler Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Hart Crane, and James Joyce. When Anderson began serializing Joyce’s Ulysses in the Little Review in 1918, the U.S. Post Office seized and burned four issues of the magazine and then convicted Anderson and associate editor Heap on obscenity charges; each was fined $50. Nevertheless, Anderson continued to publish for another 11 years.
Her subsequent writing includes her three-volume autobiography, consisting of My Thirty Years’ War (1930), The Fiery Fountains (1951), and The Strange Necessity (1962). The Little Review Anthology was published in 1953. A work of fiction by Anderson entitled Forbidden Fires was published in 1996.