Ramnath Goenka
Ramnath Goenka (born April 3, 1904, Darbhanga district, Bihar, India—died Oct. 5, 1991, Bombay [now Mumbai]) was an Indian newspaper publisher and crusader against government corruption.
Goenka was born in northeastern India, schooled in Benares (Varanasi), and sent by his family to Madras (now Chennai) in 1922 to become a dealer in yarn and jute. In 1934 he bought shares in a local company that owned the Indian Express newspaper. Two years later he took over the company and began to build a national network that eventually included 14 editions of the Indian Express—making it India’s largest English-language daily—and six other newspapers in as many Indian languages.
During the 1930s Goenka joined Mohandas Gandhi’s fight for independence from Britain and later became a supporter of the Indian National Congress (Congress Party) headed by Jawaharlal Nehru. In 1971 he was elected to Parliament and served one term.
In 1975, reportedly in retaliation for enthusiastically supporting Jaya Prakash Narayan for prime minister, Goenka and the Indian Express were among the most harshly penalized during the national state of emergency imposed by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. As soon as censorship was lifted, Goenka’s newspapers published a series of exposés on forced sterilizations, mass resettlements of the extreme poor, widespread corruption, and political arrests. These reports were a key factor in the defeat of Indira Gandhi in 1977 and the rise of the Janata Party. When she was reelected (1980), the Indian Express was deluged with tax- and property-violation notices. A truce was called when she was assassinated in 1984 and her son Rajiv Gandhi succeeded her.
In 1987 Goenka’s newspapers resumed criticism of the government with allegations of nepotism and corruption. His stinging editorials and cartoons about Rajiv Gandhi were largely credited with securing the election victory of V.P. Singh in 1989.